Emergency Dentist

When to Call Your Local Emergency Dentist Forster

When to Call Your Local Emergency Dentist Forster

by Dental Article, Emergency Dentist

The emergency dentist Forster is there to assist you in times when an accident or unplanned event has occurred.

The emergency dentist Forster is there to assist you in times when an accident or unplanned event has occurred.

This may include times such as when you experience a severe toothache, a painful tooth infection, impacted wisdom teeth, or dental trauma that may result from having a tooth knocked out or you are left with a broken tooth that requires urgent and immediate attention.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

As has already been stated above, a dental emergency is typically the result of an unplanned event. This can be the result of an accident; when life just doesn’t go according to plan!

A typical dental emergency usually occurs when a lot of force has been applied to your teeth and jaw. Common causes of dental trauma occurs on the sporting field during a physical contact sport like hockey, football or rugby, along with ‘extreme sports’ which sees fans falling over and hitting their mouth on a hard surface such as when boys are skate boarding and trying out the latest trick that doesn’t quite come off; these incidences are considered a dental emergency.

Symptoms – Broken Teeth, Severe Toothaches and Much More

There is a long list of injuries that would require a visit to your emergency dentist Forster Tuncurry, but basically anything where the pain is so intense that your standard over the counter pain killer just doesn’t seem to do the trick. These include:

  • broken tooth
  • chipped tooth
  • painful or impacted wisdom teeth
  • pain in the jaw or gum line
  • extreme sensitivity in areas of your face, jaw, lips or gums
  • swelling that may occur in your gums or in your face, cheeks or along the jaw line
  • Severe tooth infections
  • Pain following dental surgery
  • Excessive bleeding from the gums that does not seem to stop.

Any of these symptoms would be classified as requiring a visit to your emergency dentist Forster.

Ignoring the Symptoms

For various reasons, some patients who experience any of the mentioned emergency dental symptoms ignore them. While there are times when swelling issues may not be the sign of something more serious, there is still a possibility the swelling is the first sign of a far more severe issue that is hidden. Swelling may lead to tooth infections and left unchecked they can eventually result in tooth loss.

This is why it is wise to seek the opinion of your Dentist, Forster Dental Centre when you experience any of these symptoms. Your emergency dentist Forster Tuncurry will be able to determine the severity of the injury from a dental examination.

An emergency or same day appointment will rule out serious complications and will save you much more time and money and can even prevent the loss of your teeth! If in doubt pick up the phone and call Forster Dental Centre to speak with the team.

Preventing Dental Injuries

Aside from refraining from outdoor or sporting activities, the best prevention is wearing a mouth guard; when playing physical sports or partaking in extreme sports.

Dr Oxenbould; emergency dentist Forster will be able to advise you on the correct style you should use based on your lifestyle, choice of activity and the intensity of the activity; and even assist in getting a mouth guard tailor made especially for you.

Now as we have mentioned not all dental emergencies can be planned for and avoided but when you can take steps to prevent an injury like many things in life prevention is often better than the cure!

The Bottom Line

Something as simple as a broken tooth or chipping a tooth during a meal can turn into a dental emergency. Any kind of localized pain or discomfort in the gum line or along the lower jaw could be the sign of something serious such as a tooth infection. Swelling in the same areas may point to the same possibility.

These are reasons to visit your emergency dentist Forster to get the proper diagnosis and remedy for the situation, as leaving any damage to your teeth unchecked will only result in further complications to your teeth and gums, even if you cannot see it!

Forster dentist is also serving local communities in TuncurryPacific PalmsSmiths LakeHallidays PointFailfordOld BarNabiacTareeManning ValleyBulahdelahHarrington and Great Lakes.

Call us on (02) 6555 5554 to book your next appointment.
Dr Richard Oxenbould (dentist)

Published by
Dr Richard Oxenbould (dentist)