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Preventative Dentistry

Preventative Dentistry Dentist Forster

Preventative Dentistry Forster

Forster Dental Centre works on catering to all your dental needs in one place. Forster Dentist Dr Richard Oxenbould and dental hygienist Louise are proud to welcome you to our family-friendly dental centre in Wallis St Forster.

Our preventative dentistry services focus on the early detection of oral diseases to stop their progress. We create a personalised oral hygiene plan to maintain your teeth at their prime.

Below are some of our preventative dentistry services.

Dental Check-up

We recommend a dental check-up twice annually or once every six months. This will allow us to closely monitor your oral health and your progress in case of recent dental work.

Oral Hygiene Instructions

Good oral hygiene habits can go a long way towards achieving healthy and bright teeth. They are your first defence against many oral diseases including tooth decay.

That’s why we at Forster Dental Centre aim to raise oral health awareness and promote the education of our patients on how to take care of their teeth in the comfort of their home.

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Children’s Dentist Forster

At Forster Dental Centre Dr Oxenbould the friendly team provide comprehensive paediatric dentistry to the Forster Tuncurry region and all areas in Great Lakes.

We pride ourselves on providing gentle preventative dentistry for the entire family including children’s dentistry.

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Child Dental Benefits Schedule

At Forster Dental Centre, we make quality dental care accessible to everyone, your children included. Your trusted Forster Dental team supports Medicare’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) as part of its goal to initiate oral health awareness in children.

CDBS offers up to $1000 worth of dental coverage for eligible children aged 2-17 years old.

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Scale and Clean

Good oral hygiene habits are not enough. There are certain situations that call for professional help.

For instance, not all areas in your mouth can be properly brushed. A mere toothbrush cannot reach the molars to allow proper brushing. Molars become a home to bacteria and cavities.

Before the decay can set in, call your Forster Dental Centre dentist! Our preventative dentistry options such as dental scale and clean can help stop the decay from harming your teeth and compromising your oral health.

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Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a common dental issue. It is so common that some people think it is a normal phase people go through at least once in a lifetime. But tooth decay is a problem, not a phase!

With proper care and attention, tooth decay can be avoided. At Forster Dental Centre, our preventative dentistry services promote avoidance of oral diseases such as tooth decay. But if you already have some tooth decay, don’t worry. We can still help.

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Gum Disease Risk Quiz

We are including a quick quiz that will assess if you are in risk of developing gum disease.

Take the quiz here

Preventative Dentistry in Forster

Preventative dentistry is your teeth’s defence against oral health diseases. Care for your teeth better by embracing our preventative dentistry services today. A lifetime of beautiful and healthy smiles is possible with Forster Dental Centre.

Preventative Dentistry in Forster

Contact us on (02) 6555 5554 or book your appointment online here.

We are located at 1st Floor Forster Tower, 12 Wallis St in Forster.

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